HD-Skullys World

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Since August 25, 2001

Last Updated 03/11/2002

  Site Created By DBL







Skully March 11, 2002

I have been playing every demo I can get my hands on and it seems there is just nothing out there that is coming that can keep my attention.  But then I was watching 3 people play "Everquest, Luclin".  I had seen Everquest before, but didn't get excited about the game because the graphics were not up to par with games like Unreal Tournament, Quake, Red Faction, you name it they just didn't compare.  So after watching the new textures and wolds in Everquest, I noticed that this is a really deep game.  The level building takes quite some time, but the character is completely in your control to do with as you see fit.  It is tuff at first, but gets to be more interesting as you go...  So if you wonder why the big lapse in my news and just rambling comments, it is because of this stupid (very interesting and deep) game.  I really like playing this game, it is probably one of the best RPG's I have ever played.  It is almost like you are the character.  One thing though, this is a solo and team effort game.  If you do not have someone to buff you or twink (give you higher level items) you it is really hard to play at first.  If you go to play this game, consider this.  The game costs basically $10.00 bucks a month to play online.  I swore I would never do this...because the price of the game was enough for me to pay, but they are continually updating the game.  Although I don't care for the amount of downtime they have, seems they should not update every server at the same time and be down for anywhere from 2 to 8 hours at a time.  This is because when I have time to play it seems they are always upgrading the system.  Never the less this is a great game and there are tons of people playing it.  This game has been around for 3 years now and they are getting ready to celebrate on line.  Well incase you get the chance, I recommend you take a look, and if you looked before like I did, take a look at the new expansions...

Happy fragg'n


PS Hard-Drive is on the game night and day.....

Skully January 25, 2002

Well here is something that caught me off guard, and if you are like me you will want to try this out.

This is a new BETA mod for UT that is just what the doctor ordered...  I love both UT and Mech games, and the guys at Team Orbit have put together a mod the combines both using the Unreal Engine.  Click on the images above to go to their web sight.  The download (94megs) is at http://www.planetunreal.com/teamorbit/1024/index2.html This has got to be my lucky day.  If this mod is half as good as UT and one of the mech warrior games, then I guess I will be online quite a bit...........  I will try to let you  know what is going on with the game play but it may take me some time to get back so go get it and meet me online...hehe 

HAPPY FRAGGIN'....See you there...

Skully January 17, 2002

Hi everyone, Happy New Year, I know it is a little late but better late than never...

Just wanted to let you know that I have been playing the Shattered Galaxy demo for some time now and it is a pretty good game.  My character name is "RedStrike" so if you get a chance to stop by, say hello...

EDOG stopped by the other day and said hello, and he has a UT clan of his own now with a couple other guys, and they are in the Paris faction.   BTW if you want to contact EDOG go to chat channel on mirc  #clansex on etg, aka irc.enterthegames.com and look for EDOG, if you are good enough maybe he will let you join his clan...  They are working on a web page for the clan so when he has it available, I will put a link on our link page.

Had a guy ask me about the problem I had with Empire Earth.  He had the same problem... when you install the game and start it up, it crashes and reboots his computer, has anyone out there got the solution for this, is it a video card driver problem or what?  Drop a line if you have a solution, and I will post it here...

Take a look at the Unreal Tournament 2 images at 3D Planet http://www.3dap.com/features/firstlooks/ut2/?newtab or at http://www.planetunreal.com/ LOOKING GOOOOOOOD..........

Skully December 19, 2001

Sup everyone, I guess you guys have found the new http://www.sgalaxy.com/ Shattered Galaxy.  I have been playing this game late in the evenings along with Hard-Drive...  This is a pretty nice game.  I like the fact that it is so diversified with unit development.  There seems to be something that is always keeping you busy.  It is not fast paced like the Unreal and Quake games, but its not the same type of game.  If you get a chance to download the game, it is about 130 megs, play it!  I have been playing for about 3 days now, and have built my character up to Level 12.  This is only because the demo limits your character.  But you can go to the web site and swear allegiance to a new faction, and continue to grow your character.  But beware, the guys that are at these new planets are no push over...  It is kinda like going from being the big fish in the little pond to becoming the little fish in the big pond!!!!  We are talking getting your butt kicked royally........GREAT GAME!!!

Skully December 6, 2001

Well here it is close to Christmas and Chanukah.  Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday.  Hard Drive and myself want to wish all of you fraggers the best holidays ever and hope you get to be No. 1 on the ngWorldStats!

Hey I saw JuanGuy {KS} signed the Guestbook the other day.  It was nice to hear from him.  I miss all of you guys at {KS}.  I have not been playing lately, but I would like to get on line, to make sure I can still play...heh  I haven't played much since the -=sRm=- Klan disbanded.  I bet there are a lot of new top guns out there just looking for a good frag fest!?

I haven't even had much time for the web site.  It seems everyone just comes to the first page and leaves.  I get about 20 hits per day on average, but none sign our Guestbook....What's up with that...

L8R All have a good Holiday everyone...

Skully and Hard-Drive

Skully November 19, 2001

Hi everyone, it's me again.  Hard Drive wants me to get the XBox real bad, but it looks from all the reports that they sold out pretty much the first day...  Well who would have ever guessed...  Still haven't heard much about any of the games yet, but I looked at Gotham and it looks like you will need a nice steering wheel system to enjoy the game to it's maximum potential.  I really like the graphics on this one.

Skully November 16, 2001

Hi everyone, I have been kinda busy lately...  So did everyone go out and get the XBox...  Some reports from some of my friends indicate that the graphics are really smooth and the game play is interesting with the XBox controller.  Only have some reports on the Halo game so far, the input is that the game is slow in the beginning and there is little action, and it is easy to get lost.  Well I am not sure but it sounds like you need to be an explorer in a new world and you need to learn the terrain so you can be at your best later on when you meet hordes of aliens and you know where to go and how to kick butt and NOT GET LOST...  I have not seen the stats for how many were sold the first day, but I am still looking and when I find it I will post it here.

Now all we need to see is the new Unreal Championship on the XBox and how the game plays with a controller instead of a keyboard and mouse............

I am also waiting for a report on the high speed connection using an existing DSL or Cable connection.  If anyone has heard or tried it let me know send me an email at Skully_333@hotmail.com .

Skully October 26, 2001

I don't know about you, but the Unreal2 is starting to look really good.  You should visit their web page and check out some of the great graphics.  www.unreal2.com.  I believe these are some of the best grafx I have seen yet!!  The Unreal graphics engine is totally awesome.  I can't wait for some of these new Unreal games to come out.

Skully October 24, 2001

I downloaded the new demo for Empire Earth, and tried to install it on my Windows 2000 OS and as soon as it leaves the logo scenes in the intro, it reboots my computer.  So I looked for as many ways as possible to install the game.  I went to the web site and did not see anything that suggests the program does not work, so I tried to download it again and still the same problem.  So I guess I am not going to be able to play Empire Earth.  It looks like it might be a pretty good game, but I guess I will never know.

Hard Drive is now playing the The Sims House Party.  He is of course using all the cheats he can get his hands on.  He has over a $1,000,000.00 in cash and he does not even have a job, so you know he is doing the money cheat.  He bought the game Sim City and put it on his computer, but he has not even played it.  Not sure I know why...


L8r all, happy fragg'n :-}